3 Tips for Better Health During the Holidays
Candies, cakes, desserts, and drinks: you and I both know that the holidays can wreck havoc on our normal eating habits, digestion, sleep, and stress. But by keeping these three tips in mind, you don’t have to enter the New Year “resolving” to eat better – you already will be! And if you need more help, I'm your nutrition coach to get you through it - just ask!
- Start the day with a better breakfast, because one healthy choice can make it easier to choose another. Enjoy oatmeal with toasted pecans, eggs with steamed vegetables, even something as little as half a banana with some peanut butter, or a green and red trailmix with pistachios and pomegranate seeds. Start the day off choosing healthier options so that you’re geared up for success the entire day!
- Enjoy the holiday, but remember it’s a holi-DAY. It’s not a week, month, or two month stretch. It’s okay to enjoy a sensible portion of Grandma’s caramels that she makes once a year, but if you’re eating them the entire season, scale it back and fit something better-for-you in! Why wait until the “next day” or “Monday” to get back on track? Start with your next plate!
- The holidays are about more than just the food. Spend time and truly reflect on the reason for the season. Whatever your beliefs, know that there is something beyond food that brings people together. Chat with your family instead of grazing the snacks table, play with your children in the snow or ice-rink instead of seated near the television, or call an old friend while walking outside or on the treadmill. Ring in the holiday season with a healthy, more happy you!